Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cruisers & Exposure asbestos

Cruiser boat is large enough warship larger than a destroyer, but smaller than a ship. For most of the 19th century and first half of the 20th century, which is a Navy cruiser's long-term weapons of attack while the big ships to stay close to home base. Cruiser is the main role to attack enemy merchant ships.

Like other ships built by the Navy before 1980, which is very fitting cruisers with asbestos materials. Consistent with the cruiser causing cracking and flaking is asbestos-containing products on board. Vibration and the steady movement of the sea, combined with the constant damage because tight quarters blows, fibers are forced to be air tight and this spread throughout the ship. Small particles of asbestos are effortlessly inhaled or ingested attached and ready for internal linings of the lung, stomach, and heart. Due to the nature of their work, both crew members and shipbuilders who were at risk.

Predominately used for the asbestos insulation products and is located near the engine room is refractory where the most important. Products such as cables, gaskets, and valves are also discussed through the asbestos in the form of spray. Because of the extended period of latency, it can take anywhere from 20 to 50 years for the damage done by this mineral to produce symptoms, and this complicates the process is treatment.

Cruisers Index

USS Alaska CB 1
USS Albany CA 123
USS Amsterdam CL 101
USS Astoria CL 34
USS Astoria CL 90
USS Atlanta CL 104
USS Atlanta CL 51
USS Augusta CA 31
USS Baltimore CA 68
USS Bainbridge CGN 25
USS Belknap CG 26
USS Biddle CG 34
USS Biloxi CL 80
USS Birmingham CL 62
USS Boise CL 47
USS Boston CA 169
USS Bremerton CA 130
USS Brooklyn CL 40
USS Canberra CA 70
USS Chester CA 27
USS Chicago CA 29
USS Cleveland CL 55
USS Columbia CL 56
USS Columbus CA 74
USS Dale CG 19
USS Dayton CL 105
USS Denver CL 58
USS Des Moines CA 134
USS Duluth CL 87
USS England CG 22
USS Fall River CA 131
USS Fargo CL 106
USS Flint CL 97
USS Fox CG 33
USS Fresno CL 121
USS Galveston CL 93
USS Gridley CG 21
USS Guam CB 2
USS Halsey CG 23
USS Harry E. Yarnell CG 17
USS Helena CL 50
USS Helena CA 75
USS Honolulu CL 48
USS Horne CG 30
USS Houston CA 30
USS Houston CL 81
USS Huntington CL 107
USS Indianapolis CA 35
USS Josephus Daniels CG 27
USS Jouett CG 29
USS Juneau CL 52
USS Juneau CL 119
USS Leahy CG 16
USS Lexington CV 2
USS Little Rock CL 92
USS Los Angeles CA 135
USS Louisville CA 28
USS Macon CA 132
USS Manchester CL 83
USS Marblehead CL 12
USS Memphis CL 13
USS Miami CL 89
USS Milwaukee CL 5
USS Minneapolis CA 36
USS Mobile CL 63
USS Montpelier CL 57
USS Nashville CL 43
USS New Orleans CA 32
USS Newport News CA 148
USS Northhampton CA 26
USS Northampton CA 125
USS Oakland CL 95
USS Oklahoma City CL 91
USS Oklahoma City CLG 5
USS Oregon City CA 122
USS Omaha CL 4
USS Pasadena CL 65
USS Pensacola CA 24
USS Philadelphia CL 41

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