Monday, August 24, 2009

Submarines & asbestos Exposure

Submarines are special watercrafts that can operate under. This ship is called the ship before the ships sent from the boats that are usually referred to as boats. The term 'hunter' generally refers to large ships, but can also include a medium size or small boat.

Production workers on or around submarines are likely exposed to asbestos. Place in a closed submarines increased risk of asbestos exposure for both workers and sailors.

Asbestos-containing materials are regularly used in fireproofing and insulation for boilers and steam pipes.

Sailors and workers rarely issued equipment for protection against toxic asbestos fibers. Often exposed to asbestos fibers has been defined as a strong cause of lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. They made repairs to submarines that are placed on particularly high risk. As a result of heavy exposure, more than 30 percent of people diagnosed with mesothelioma veterans.

Please select a ship from the list below for specific information about potential submarines & asbestos-exposure.

Submarines Index

USS Albacore SS 218
USS Amberjack SS 219
USS Angler SS 240
USS Apogon SS 308
USS Archer-Fish SS 311
USS Argonaut-SM-1
USS Argonaut SS 475
USS Aspro SS 309
USS Atule SS 403
USS Balao SS 285
USS Bang SS 385
USS Barbel SS 316
USS Barbero SS 317
USS Barb SS 220
USS Barracuda SS 163
USS Bashaw SS 241
USS Bergall SS 320
USS Besugo SS 321
USS Billfish SS 286
USS Blackfin SS 322
USS Blackfish SS 221
USS Blenny SS 324
USS Blower SS 325
USS Blueback SS 326
USS Bluefish SS 222
USS Bluegill SS 242
USS Boarfish SS 327
USS Bonefish SS 223
USS Bonita SS 165
USS Bowfin SS 287
USS Bream SS 243
USS Brill SS 330
USS Bugara SS 331
USS Bullhead SS 332
USS Bumper SS 333
USS Burrfish SS 312
USS Cabezon SS 334
USS Carbonero SS 337
USS Hake SS 256
USS Hammerhead SS 364
USS Harder SS 257
USS Hardhead SS 365
USS Hawkbill SS 366
USS Herring SS 233
USS Hoe SS 258
USS Icefish SS 367
USS Jack SS 259
USS Jallao SS 368
USS Kete S 369
USS Kingfish SS 234
USS Kraken SS 370
USS Lagarto SS 371
USS Lizardfish SS 373
USS Loggerhead SS 374
USS Macabi SS 375
USS Mackerel 204
USS Manta SS 299
USS Mapiro SS 376
USS Marlin SS 205
USS Mingo SS 261
USS Moray SS 300
USS Muskallunge SS 262
USS Narwhal SS 263
USS Nautilus SS 168
USS Paddle SS 167
USS Pampanito SS 383
USS Parche SS 384
USS Pargo SS 264
USS Perch SS 176
USS Permit SS 178
USS Peto SS 265
USS Pickerel SS 177
USS Picuda SS 382
USS Pike SS 173
USS Pilotfish SS 386
USS Pintado SS 387
USS Pipefish SS 388
USS Piranha SS 389
USS Plaice SS 390
USS Plunger SS 179
USS Pogy SS 266
USS Pollack SS 180
USS Pomfret SS 391
USS Pompano SS 181
USS Pompon SS 267
USS Porpoise SS 172
USS Puffer SS 268
USS Queenfish SS 393
USS Quillback SS 424
USS Rasher SS 269
USS Raton SS 270
USS Ray SS 271
USS Razorback SS 394
USS Redfin SS 272
USS Redfish SS 395
USS Robalo SS 273
USS Rock SS 274
USS Ronquil SS 396
USS Runner SS 275
USS Runner SS 476
USS S-1 SS 105
USS S-20 SS 125
USS S-46 SS 157
USS Sailfish SS 192
USS Salmon SS 182
USS Sand Lance SS 381
USS Sargo SS 188
USS Saury SS 189
USS Sawfish SS 276
USS Scabbardfish SS 397
USS Scamp SS 277
USS Scorpion SS 278
USS Sculpin SS 191
USS Sea Cat SS 399
USS Sea Devil SS 400
USS Sea Dog SS 401
USS Seadragon SS 194
USS Sea Fox SS 402
USS Seahorse SS 304
USS Sealion SS 195
USS Seal SS 183
USS Sea Owl SS 405
USS Sea Poacher SS 406
USS Searaven SS 196
USS Sea Robin SS 407
USS Seawolf SS 197
USS Segundo SS 398
USS Sennet SS 408

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