Monday, August 31, 2009

Mesothelioma & Marine Corps Veteran

Marines, together with the other branches of the military, who are at risk of asbestos exposure because of the wide use of asbestos in all types of products. Asbestos used in insulation, pipes and cables in all types of construction, from industrial to residential. At one time, the military has a mandate calling for an increase in the use of products containing asbestos in their jobs. The reason for the popularity of asbestos that simple. As the mineral occurs naturally, have been widely available, making the price competitive. It was evidence of fire-resistant and heat, which makes very interesting properties when the engine room or boiler.

Although all military branches asbestos is widely used, not as widely used as ingredients in many Navy. They are used all over asbestos ship taking water from the early 1940s at the end of the 1970s. Asbestos containing material that is used to separate the boiler, providing heat shield between residential areas and working areas of the ship, and has been woven into a rope that many aboard the Navy ship.

How does this affect the Marines? Marine units often work hand in hand with the Navy Crews. They use the Navy aircraft carrier base for those who will fly fighter-bombers on the mission boat to the beach. Means to live in this ship for the duration missions. A close working relationship between the Marines and the Marine and Navy veteran may mean the same as in the high risk for asbestos disease as related to those veterans who served in the Navy. Marines even people who never set foot on Navy ships are at risk of asbestos exposure. Asbestos is widely used in cement pipes, ceiling tiles and insulation that consists in the barracks where Marines spend their time.
What are the dangers of asbestos Exposure?

Asbestos exposure can cause various health problems. Because asbestos is a known carcinogen, can increase the risk of exposure to all types of cancer. In smokers, the opportunity to develop lung cancer is increased if they also have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos exposure can also cause mesothelioma, a cancer which includes protection in the developing organs of the body. Mesothelioma is difficult to diagnose, and diagnosis made at the time of Tumors have often spread throughout the body. Mesothelioma does not respond well to treatment, and the average duration of life about one year after diagnosis.

Asbestosis is a chronic disease and the lungs progressively developing in people who have been exposed to asbestos. Disease that causes shortness of breath that eventually make the patient unable to perform the most basic activities. Although the main symptom of asbestosis, shortness of breath, can be slightly relieved by prescribed oxygen, no drugs and lead to respiratory failure asbestosis.

Asbestos exposure occurs when asbestos containing materials become obsolete. When this happens clothing, asbestos fibers were released into the air, where they are easily inhaled or ingested. Asbestos fibers that remain in the body for many years, until a few decades later, when the veterans who develop health problems related to exposure.
Military Claims of how to handle asbestos Exposure

Various asbestos producers, which included the asbestos-contaminated materials to the government, which is responsible for the injuries incurred by veterans, not the government. Many workers in the private sector has returned the money to help cover the cost of health care and compensation, and veterans have the same choice. An Army veteran also may appeal for coverage or benefits through the Veterans Administration.

Once the army veteran challenges faced when trying to collect veterans benefits is the burden of proof that the asbestos exposure occurred only while in service. To prove that they suffered from asbestos exposure during their time in the military, they must prove they are not effectively exposed to asbestos in the future. Consultation with the lawyer who has handled asbestos claims for members of the military can provide the necessary instructions before attempting to ensure VA benefits. offers free assistance with filing a VA claim and can make the process easier. Department of Veterans Assistance we offer broad experience in filing VA claims and can assist any veteran coping with mesothelioma receive VA benefits from the system. For more information about assistance or free VA benefits, and feasibility of the program, please call 800-615-2270 or contact us with the Department of Veterans Help fill out this form.

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